Balboa Bay 14 AsicsSoCal
Bay to Bay 14-1NorCal
Bones 14 BlackSoCal
Central Cal 14 GoldNorCal
Chicago Bounce 14 RedWinter Champ
Cincinatti Attack 14 BlackGateway
Coastal 14 NavyNortheastern
Durham Attack 14 BlackNortheastern
Johnston 14Gateway
Lockport 14-1CAN-AM
Long Island 14 GoldWinter Champ
MB Surf Nike 14SoCal
Milwaukee 14-AlyssaWinter Champ
Milwaukee 14-JonWinter Champ
Milwaukee Sting 14Winter Champ
Mountain View 14 RedSoCal
Orlando Gold 14 BlackFlorida Fest
Pacific Palisades 14 NikeSoCal
Richmond 14-1Northeastern
Rochester Bootlegger 14-1CAN-AM
Santa Monica 14 PremierSoCal
SB Coast 14SoCal
SCVC 14 QuiksilverSoCal
STL High Performance 14 RoyalSoCal
Team Rockstar 14-1NorCal
The HBC 14 BlackSoCal
Ultimate 14 GoldWinter Champ
949 15 Black-M-KPSoCal
Adversity 15 PurpleGateway
Braddock Road 15Gateway
Durham Attack Black VenomCAN-AM
HVA 15USoCal
Lockport 15-1Northeastern
Long Island 15 NationalWinter Champ
Long Island 15 Reg GoldGateway
MB Surf Nike 15SoCal
Milwaukee 15-KyleWinter Champ
Mountain View 15 RedNorCal
Pacific Palisades 15 NikeSoCal
Predators 15UCAN-AM
Rochester Bootlegger 15-1CAN-AM
Seaside 15 BlackSoCal
Southport 15Winter Champ
STL High Performance 15 RoyalWinter Champ
The HBC 15 BlackSoCal
Ultimate 15 GoldWinter Champ
Victor 15Northeastern
Warren Sixpack 15-1Northeastern
Adversity 16 BlackGateway
Adversity 16 PurpleWinter Champ
A'o Koa 16-1SoCal
Balboa Bay 16 AsicsSoCal
Bay to Bay 16-1SoCal
Blast 16 MegatronCAN-AM
Borinquen Coqui 16-1Winter Champ
Club 1 16 EliteWinter Champ
D1 Chicago 16 GreenWinter Champ
Eden 16 MizunoCAN-AM
Hitmen 16 EliteSoCal
Long Island 16 NationalWinter Champ
MB Surf 16SoCal
Milwaukee 16 JimGateway
Mountain View 16 RedSoCal
NCVC 16-1NorCal
Pipeline 16-UAGateway
Pittsburgh 16 BlackNortheastern
Rochester Bootlegger 16-1CAN-AM
San Clemente 16-1SoCal
SCVC 16 QuiksilverNorCal
SMBC 16 BlackSoCal
Spectrum 16SoCal
STL High Performance 16 RoyalWinter Champ
Team Rockstar 16-1NorCal
Torrimar 16Florida Fest
Ultimate 16 GoldSoCal
Vanguard 16 GoldFlorida Fest
Vaqueros 16Florida Fest
Victor 16Northeastern
Yorktowne 16 BlueNortheastern
949 17 Black-M-KCSoCal
Adversity 17 PurpleWinter Champ
Avoli 17 CarlosFlorida Fest
Balboa Bay 17 AsicsSoCal
Bones 17 BlackSoCal
Club Lehigh 17Nittany
Coastal 17 NavyWinter Champ
Eden 17 MizunoCAN-AM
Ku'IKAHI 17 RoShamBoNorCal
Long Island 17 NationalSoCal
MB Surf Nike 17SoCal
Milwaukee 17 KyleGateway
Milwaukee Sting 17Gateway
Mountain View 17 RedNorCal
NCVC Asics 17-1SoCal
NVVA 17 FireWinter Champ
Pacific Rim 17-1SoCal
Preva 17Winter Champ
San Juan 17-1CAN-AM
SCVC 17 QuiksilverSoCal
Seaside 17 BlackNorCal
SG Elite 17 EliteSoCal
STL High Performance 17 RoyalWinter Champ
The HBC 17 BlackSoCal
Ultimate 17 GoldGateway
Uno 17 EliteWinter Champ
Victor 17Nittany
Warren Sixpak 17Nittany
Yorktowne 17 BlueCAN-AM
949 18 BlackSoCal
Baja 18Winter Champ
Bones 18 BlackSoCal
Cincinatti Attack 18 BlackGateway
Coastal 18 NavySoCal
Diablo Valley 18-1NorCal
Hawaii Elite 18 SouthsideSoCal
Hitmen 18 EliteNittany
Milwaukee 18 BrianGateway
Milwaukee 18-JakeWinter Champ
Mountain View 18 RedNorCal
Naperville 18-UAWinter Champ
Nook Black 18Nittany
Ocean Bay 18 QuiksilverWinter Champ
Ocean Bay 18 WavesFlorida Fest
Pacific Rim 18-1SoCal
Rochester Bootlegger 18CAN-AM
SCVC 18 QuiksilverSoCal
Seaside 18 BlackSoCal
Smash Boys 18-1CAN-AM
Sports Performance 18 MizunoSoCal
Sports Performance 18 RunbirdWinter Champ
STL High Performance 18 OrangeFlorida Fest
STL High Performance 18 RoyalSoCal
Team Rockstar 18-1NorCal
The HBC 18 BlackSoCal
Ultimate 18 GoldWinter Champ
Vanguard 18 GoldFlorida Fest
Vortex 18 FireGateway
Yorktowne 18 BlueCAN-AM
Yorktowne 18 NEVA BlackNittany